martedì 28 gennaio 2025

28 gennaio: San Pietro da Nola

(photo by Alessandro Franzoni)


In illo témpore: Dixit Iesus discípulis suis: Nolíte timére, pusíllus grex, quia complácuit Patri vestro dare vobis regnum. Véndite quæ possidétis, et date eleemósynam. Fácite vobis sácculos, qui non veteráscunt, thesáurum non deficiéntem in cœlis: quo fur non apprópiat, neque tínea corrúmpit. Ubi enim thesáurus vester est, ibi et cor vestrum erit.

Vangelo di Luca 12. 32 - 34


At that time, Jesus said to His disciples, Do not be afraid, little flock, for it has pleased your Father to give you the kingdom. Sell what you have and give alms. Make for yourselves purses that do not grow old, a treasure unfailing in heaven, where neither thief draws near nor moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.


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